Run of three or more cards: Score 1 point for each card in the sequence.Double Pair Royal : For adding a card of the same rank as the last 3 cards, score 12.Pair Royal : For adding a card of the same rank as the last two cards, score 6.Pair: For adding a card of the same rank as the card just played, score 2 points.
Fifteen: For adding a card that makes the total 15, score 2 points.You can also invite them via Facebook invite if you both are friends and using the Facebook version.Ĭribbage JD is the most complete online cribbage game out there with great graphics, stat tracking, multiplayer and it even has a mobile app on both Android and Apple that is synced up with your account so you can accumulate points and achievements no matter if you are playing on your phone or computer.You can also invite them by email granted they entered their email into their Cribbage profile settings.The best way is to add them by their Invite Code / cribbage ID.